
Benefits for you


Relax & Recharge

We’re really proud of our exclusive hotels based in some of Britain’s most beautiful areas and once you’ve been with us for three months, you’re welcome to explore them.

Our hotel teams offer their guests the same high standards of service you would expect from anywhere else in the Partnership.

Partnership Hotels

Equal Parenthood Leave

In 2021, we became the first UK retailer to introduce 26-weeks paid maternity and paternity leave (inclusive of statutory 52- weeks maternity leave and 2-weeks paternity leave).

This means all Partners – regardless of how they have become a parent – receive their normal pay for 14-weeks and 12-weeks at 50% their normal pay, once they have worked for the Partnership for one year.

This is all part of our support for working families which also includes flexible working options.


Subsides and Partnership Events and Clubs

Enjoy life’s adventures with subsidised tickets to events. Claim up to £60 towards concert tickets, free entry to top attractions, discounts on holidays, and even VIP suites at the O2 and Wembley Areana.

Looking forward to getting away? Take advantage of over 200 discounts and deals on holidays. Plus, if you are looking to spend your free time learning a new skill, claim up to £250 towards your tuition fees.

And, with access to the Partnership’s clubs and societies from arts and crafts to skiing, you can connect with fellow Partners who share your passions.

Benefits at your finger tips

From day one of joining the Partnership, you’ll have access to 100s of benefits via our internal benefits app, PartnerChoice.

Find discounts on holiday, join our clubs and societies or enter ballots to see your favourite music artists, plus so much more! You’ll be amazed by what’s on offer.


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